Sustainability Report 2019

About this report Boundaries and scope This report includes information and data from our operations and marketing activities. It only covers assets where we have operational control, and it excludes investment and holding companies. Our marketing offices do not report on environmental data. The report contains data for the full year 2019. Acquisitions are only included if they were integrated before 1 October 2019. Our 2019 report does not incorporate data from our December 2019 majority acquisition of Renova. Data from divestments is included until the month before disposal. Data and information Glencore Agriculture’s internal reporting systems capture and retain the data in this report. The metrics in this report are primarily based on Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) indicators. All figures stated in this report represent the latest available data unless referenced in the text. Some of the totals shown may reflect the rounding up or down of subtotals. In rare cases we may have restated figures from previous years to reflect improvements in our data collection, analysis and validation systems. Glencore Agriculture seeks to report on every incident in the period in which it occurs. Occasionally, our incident reporting may take place later due to an improved understanding of the incident or revisions to its classification. Where this results in a material restatement of previously reported data, we will publicly disclose the restatement and its rationale. EY has performed a limited assurance engagement on the 2018 and 2019 figures for the key performance indicators (KPIs) total recordable injury frequency rate (TRIFR), disabling injury severity rate (DISR), total energy consumption, share of renewable energy, total water withdrawal and total greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions as included on page 30 of this sustainability report. Refer to page 27 for the assurance report of the independent auditor. We may change our approach to how we report our data in future sustainability reports without prior announcement; we may also change the reporting of specific data and its interpretation. 6 Glencore Agriculture Sustainability Report 2019