Sustainability Report 2019

KPI Definition Formula Value 2018 Value 2019 Rel. change TRIFR The total recordable injury frequency rate (TRIFR) - excluding occupational diseases is the sum of: 1. employee medical treatment injuries (MTIs) 2. employee restricted work injuries (RWIs) 3. employee lost time injuries (LTIs) 4. fatalities in relation to the total hours worked. TRIFR = Total number of recordable incidents x 1,000,000 / total hours worked 9.68 7.07 -27.0% DISR The disabling injury severity rate (DISR) is the number of days lost for LTIs and restricted for RWIs in relation to the total hours worked. DISR = Number of days lost or restricted x 1,000,000 / total hours worked in a year 204.1 175.4 -14.1% Total hours worked Sum of all hours worked during period by employees and contractors during on-premises working hours as well as during company-organised transportation to/from site. hours / year Total energy consumption Total energy is the sum of all direct and indirect energy from all sources, both renewable and non-renewable, related to total tonnes processed. MJ / mt processed 2221.6 2071.9 -6.7% Share of renewable energy The share of renewable energy includes consumption of biomass, energy from geothermic and generated electricity from solar, wind and hydro and the electricity or heat purchased from these renewable sources. This number is a percentage of our total energy consumption. MJ renewable / MJ total [%] 72.2% 74.1% + 2.6% Total water withdrawal Total water withdrawal is the sum of all water drawn from surface water, groundwater, seawater, drinking water or a third party for any use, related to total tonnes processed. Volume (m 3 ) of all sources per metric ton processed 16.3 13.8 -15.7% Total GHG emissions Total Scope 1 + 2 GHG emissions of our processing assets expressed in kg CO 2 eq per mt processed. All sources of energy consumed at our sites are included and according to the table below. GHG monitored are CO 2 , CH 4 and NOx. Fuel consumed by company cars are not included in Scope 1. For Scope 2 emissions the local grid emissions location-based method are applied as defined by IEA, NGA Australia, eGrid USA and Environment Canada. Emission are calculated as per the GHG Protocol, a Corporate Accounting and Reporting Standard (Revised edition). Fossil fuel - Scope 1 emission factors Type of fuel Emission factors Unit Natural gas 56.27 g CO 2 e/MJ Liquefied petroleum gas 63.27 g CO 2 e/MJ Petrol/gasoline 69.29 g CO 2 e/MJ Diesel, incl. light fuel oil 74.07 g CO 2 e/MJ Coal 98.98 g CO 2 e/MJ kg CO 2 eq / mt processed 51.0 44.3 -13.1% Total tonnes processed Total weight of processed rawmaterials including weight of further downstream processed intermediary products of assets under our operational control. mt (metric tonne) Applied method of registration All health and safety incidents notified are recorded and included in the calculation of the indicator. Employee hours worked are registered by time registration, contractual hours or estimated. Contractor hours are registered by invoice, time registration or estimated (in order of preferred and applied method when available). Environmental data is registered (in order of preferred and applied method) by third party invoice, internal measurement, calculation or estimation. Period Year of report from 1 January to 31 December. Calendar years 2018 and 2019 In scope All processing assets under our operational control during the period. For safety indicators (TRIFR and DISR) all storage and handling facilities are also included. As of 2019, all marketing offices are included as well. Key performance indicators (KPIs) Glencore Agriculture Sustainability Report 2019 30