Sustainability Report 2019

Native vegetation restoration Glencore Agriculture, through our Brazilian operation Glencane Bioenergia, which owns the sugarcane plants Rio Vermelho and Nova Unialco, is conducting many projects to restore deforested areas near its operations. These projects protect watercourses from human activity, help to repair the impact in this region and recover fauna and flora. At Rio Vermelho, we have recovered 155 hectares of land on the margins of watercourses or springs, which has been planted with nearly 300,000 seedlings. Recovery began in 2007; however, when we took over the handling of those areas in 2011, up to 90% of what had been done previously, had been lost due to lack of maintenance. The reforested areas are in a region where the natural resources had been overexploited up to the 20th century. To remedy this loss the 2012 Brazilian Forest Code states that 20% of properties located in the Atlantic Forest biome must be preserved, recovered or compensated with similar fauna and flora in regions with remnants of native vegetation in the same biome. Through projects to recover degraded areas and by seeking sustainable solutions for our operations, we are committed to preserving the balance of the environment. External certification of assets The International Sustainability and Carbon Certification (ISCC) system is a global certification systemwhich covers the entire supply chain for all types of biobased feedstocks and renewables and aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, protect natural biospheres and encourage the sustainable use of land. It has to be completed by all producers selling produce within Europe and around the world. We are continuing to achieve certification within our business and improve our processes. More than 80% of our assets have an externally verified quality management system, including ISCC. In 2019, Kolos, one of our crush facilities in Ukraine, achieved ISCC certification, enabling it to supply crude sunflower oil as sustainable rawmaterial for the production of biodiesel. To meet the standard, the facility developed a way of verifying the amount of greenhouse gas emissions produced during the production process, taking into account all electricity and chemical use, wastewater treatment and other relevant factors. The calculation was audited and approved by an independent inspection, verification, testing and certification company. Our Hungarian office has simplified the ISCC certification process by introducing software for partners to complete online and upload the relevant documents. The application is then reviewed by Glencore Agriculture and passed to the ISCC for certification. The new system has sped up approvals and partners are reporting faster transactions as a result. Glencore Agriculture Sustainability Report 2019 18