Sustainability Report 2019
Why it matters As the world’s population grows and becomes richer there is a rising demand for food and agricultural commodities, which puts pressure on the environment through increased use of land, fertilisers, energy and water. This has an impact on communities, agriculture, biodiversity and health. As one of the world’s largest marketers of food and animal feed, we play an important role in global commodity markets and can contribute to the environmental sustainability of agricultural production and of food supply worldwide. Our licence to operate depends on our effective management of environmental challenges. Environment We aim to minimise our impact on the environment wherever we operate and to improve environmental sustainability right along our supply chain. Alignment to UN Sustainable Development Goals 2 6 15 17 12 13 Our approach We work to improve our environmental performance year on year, reducing our impact on the external environment and communities where we operate, those we source from and those where we supply our commodities. We show our leadership through continuous monitoring of our impact and collaborate with leaders in our industry and external organisations. Each of our assets manages its own environmental plans in line with our environmental policy, which is based on global and industry standards. This policy defines how to mitigate, manage or eliminate environmental risk; and determines environmental plans and management systems. We have four environmental goals: • contribute to sustainable supply chains • eliminate deforestation in our value chains and look after valuable and protected areas • reduce emissions and energy consumption • minimise impact on water. Glencore Agriculture Sustainability Report 2019 16
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