Sustainability Report 2019

Safety training for non-operational employees Safety training has been underway across the whole company globally for non-operational employees who visit our sites and other operational locations. The business has developed this training to ensure that all employees involved in site visits are made aware of potential risks and know to always follow life-saving behaviours. It is critical that our office-based employees are trained and aware of risks and what to look for when they are outside of their normal working environment. During sessions, employees looked at different work environments to identify potential hazards and the steps they can take to stay safe when away from the office. Using technology to track health and safety Locations around the world are using information technology to promote training, audit health and safety programmes and track compliance. At Viterra North America a new programme is being used to store training records. It houses the online training available to the employees and records all training undertaken. This means employees and managers can easily see what training is required to ensure compliance to laws, regulations and company requirements. Employees can also see what training is available in different regions, while managers can track and schedule training quickly and easily. Across Europe, Australia and New Zealand, we are using an inspection app to create health, safety and environmental checklists and manage safety and environmental audits. The easy to use software on mobiles and tablets allows the collection of consistent data, standardising of operations and real time data capture and reporting. In Australia and New Zealand, the business has been using the app for many years to manage safety and environmental audits and in 2019, started using it for regular dust inspections across our grain storage sites. Tablets were rolled out across every site and staff trained to undertake the inspections. The business has benefited from the electronic data capture, which reduces duplication and allows photos to be taken and immediately uploaded. Supervisors can easily identify issues and take corrective action. Data is presented on a dashboard and easily segmented across groups and regions to analyse for compliance, trends and performance. In 2019, our Hungarian crush and extraction plant at Fokto introduced new software for managing the inspection programme for explosion- proof equipment and cataloguing the results. It is proving a solid and reliable system for managing one of our catastrophic hazards. Thousands of pieces of equipment are required to be periodically safety-checked to ensure they will continue to operate safely in a potentially explosive environment. The new software replaces the previous spreadsheet system and serves as a register of the explosion-proof equipment as well as a document filing system to store all explosion prevention documents, including management plans and qualifications. Glencore Agriculture Sustainability Report 2019 15