Sustainability Report 2019

We work with a range of organisations and businesses in our industry and beyond so that together we can build the most sustainable future possible. United Nations Global Compact We are participants in the United Nations Global Compact, an initiative to generate a global movement towards sustainable development. It calls for companies to align their operations with universal principles on human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption. World Business Council for Sustainable Development We are a member of the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD), a global advocacy association made up of 200 international companies that have a focus on sustainable development. It provides leadership to drive change and improve sustainability within each business and will increase the opportunities for us to collaborate with like-minded companies in creating a sustainable future. Soft Commodities Forum We are members of the Soft Commodities Forum (SCF), a global platform for leading soft commodities companies, convened by the WBCSD. We participate in a common framework for reporting and monitoring progress on transparent and traceable supply chains for soy in Brazil's Cerrado region. The initiative aims to turn the commitments made by its members into accountable and measurable action. Cerrado Working Group We are a member of the Cerrado Working Group, which brings together stakeholders such as major retailers groups, financial institutions, civil society members, agri-industry and commodity exporting associations. The group, formed in 2017, is seeking solutions to end legal conversion of natural areas by developing an environmental compensation mechanism that would compensate farmers to keep native vegetation inside their lands beyond the legal requirements. Round Table on Responsible Soy As members of the Round Table on Responsible Soy, an international organisation that promotes the responsible production, processing and trading of soy globally, we are part of a joint effort to increase production of soy while reducing environmental harm. Amazon Soy Moratorium As long-term signatories of the Amazon Soy Moratorium, we do not source soybeans from lands deforested after 2008 in Amazon Biome or from producers who are not compliant with other socio-environmental requirements across Brazil. Since the start of the Amazon Soy Moratorium in 2006, deforestation in the Amazon has significantly reduced. Recent increases in deforestation are being closely monitored and do not seem related to any commodities we source from the region. We continue to work with the industry, producers, governments and many other interested parties to bring solutions to the sector in order to fully eliminate deforestation from our value chains. Better Cotton Initiative The Better Cotton Initiative (BCI) is the largest cotton sustainability programme in the world and aims to make global cotton production better for the people who produce it, better for the environment it grows in and better for the sector’s future. It trains producers in sustainable practices to reduce the amount of fertiliser, pesticides and water they use. Our goal is to increase the volume of sustainably produced cotton in our supply chains. International Sustainability and Carbon Certification We are members of the ISCC, a globally leading certification system that certifies the sustainable origins of the agricultural produce we market and supply. Our partners Global sustainability summit We held our first global sustainability summit in October 2019. More than 60 senior managers and health, safety, environment and community (HSEC) leaders from across the business attended the event in The Hague, Netherlands. The summit concentrated on how sustainability works in our business and the role of our leaders in supporting our focus areas, programmes and goals. It also saw the launch of Glencore Agriculture’s global HSEC policy. Speakers from across the business covered a range of health, safety, environment, community and human rights related topics. Presenters showcased their local activities which demonstrate progress towards our company-wide HSEC objectives. The summit was successful as a means of exchanging ideas and raising the profile of sustainability in the business. Glencore Agriculture Sustainability Report 2019 10