Sustainability Report 2018

Our sustainability strategy Our sustainability strategy is designed to safeguard our people and communities, protect the environment and ensure all our food and feed products meet the highest international standards. As a global leader in agricultural commodities we understand the vital role we play in the lives of those who work for us, in the communities they live in, in the safety of those we serve through the commodities we supply and in supporting the environment we all share. We aim to meet our statutory responsibilities to our people, customers, communities and the environment and go beyond them to ensure we manage the risks inherent in our business andmaintain our social licence to operate. Our sustainability strategy follows that of Glencore Group, which is reviewed each year by the Health, Safety, Environment and Community (HSEC) committee, and our relevant business leads, to make sure it meets the needs of our business. Our strategy organises our activity into four pillars: • Health and safety Lead the industry in health and safety, eliminating injuries and fatalities. • Environment Minimise any impact on the environment from our operations. • Community Uphold human rights and support the long-term development of local communities. • Food and feed Meet the highest standards in all our food and feed products. Sustainable Development Goals We support the 17 principles of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals which are mapped on to our sustainability pillars. We take active measures to help achieve the following: • SDG 2: end hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture • SDG 6: ensure access to water and sanitation for all • SDG 12: ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns • SDG 13: take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts • SDG 15: sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, halt andreverse landdegradation, halt biodiversity loss. World Business Council for Sustainable Development We have joined theWorld Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD), a global advocacy associationmade up of 200 international companies that have a focus on sustainable development. It provides leadership to drive change and improve sustainability within each business and will increase the opportunities for us to collaborate with like-minded companies in creating a sustainable future. United Nations Global Compact We are a participant of the United Nations Global Compact, an initiative to generate a global movement towards sustainable development. It calls for companies to align their operations with universal principles on human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption. With over 9,000 businesses in 135 countries, the United Nations Global Compact is the world’s largest corporate responsibility initiative. 5 Glencore Agriculture Sustainability Report 2018